
V16 out now

Party Time! V16 out now!

Happy to present the release of v16!

I quite enjoyed creating this update. The story came pretty naturally and the renders were challenging, mostly due to long throughput times – so hard to do small adjustments, but the results felt rewarding.

I also was able to optimize my workflow quite a bit, which should mean I can focus more on just forwarding the story and less on coding/ problem solving.

Anyway; hope you all enjoy this one!


  • Continuing the story. Depending on your earlier choices there are various options and scenes available.
  • Some errors/ dead ends fixed
  • Typos

New Version

Hi all!

The new version is out and can be found here.

Important: To get the full experience you will need to start a new game. Saves will not be compatible. 


– Corruption mechanic has been added to the game. Certain options will only be available if your corruption is above or below a certain treshold. 

– Added images to older scenes

– Slightly reworked some older scenes

– New scene added – work your first shift

– As always: typo’s fixed

Note: I’m still fine-tuning the corruption mechanic – The values are pretty lax at the moment to make sure you have the most options. In the future I want choice to have a bit more impact and lock you in or out of certain paths.

And another step

Took a bit longer than anticipated, but the next step in our adventure is completed. Our heroine goes to the pub.. and shennanigans ensue.

Really trying to get the workflow under control – I want to crank these updates out a little quicker. Still learning a lot about all the stuff involved, but it is slowly speeding up. Anyway; have fun!

Free version can be found in the menu on the right.

The next step – Graphics.

Spend in inordinate amount of time adding some visuals to the game. There now are a few renders spread throughout the story to make it more fun to read.

Story has also been expanded upon. So jump in and see what our heroine is up to.

In the beginning.

Path of Corruption is a text-based coming of age RPG. You play a young female, recently turned 18 and moving to the big city to study at the university.

You can choose for a life of virtue or debauchery. 

Free version can be found in the menu on the right.

Newest version available for patrons only.

Current state of the game
Game is in active development. Storyline isn’t complete – or completely set in stone at the moment.